The plantation is progressively being thinned, fertilised and pruned to optimise the growth rates of final harvest trees.
Photo- Extraction of first thinning material
HVT Land have purchased 500 head of cattle some of which will be sold over coming months into much stronger markets. It plans to retain a core breeding herd which will be supplemented with fatteners during the wet. In addition to providing an additional income stream it reduces the risk of fire and the cost of weed control. We hope to reach a capacity of over 800 head during the peak season.
Photo- cattle enjoy the shade and feed under African Mahogany trees.
135 hectares of perennial jarrah grass has been established providing a very good strike which will produce hay for the live cattle and local markets. After the investment in the first year, it is projected the second year and beyond should provide healthy cashflow to the project. Over 500t is expected this year and this should increase in future years.
Photo- production of hay under way from the baler machine